Open to anyone over 21 years old.
Visit any participating venue or INFO New Haven to pick up your personal New Haven Cocktail Week Passport.
Collect passport stamps during New Haven Cocktail Week, Aug. 18 – 24th
Stamps can be traded in for prizes after Saturday, Aug. 24th 2019 until the 1st of the new year.
How to accrue stamps
Order off any official NHCW menu. Each menu will be unique to the establishment. (one stamp per venue per day)
Attending any of the seminars throughout the week (2 stamps per seminar)
Passport Push Saturday, August 24. Visit any participating venues these days and stamps are worth 3 times.
List of prizes will be printed on the Passport.
We encourage everyone to visit as many places as you
can but please remember to ‘COCKTAIL RESPONSIBLY’.
It is safer and easier to get a taxi, UBER, LYFT, hitch a
ride, grab a bus or just walk than to drive after imbibing
cocktails. We want all of you around to enjoy next year, the
year after and the year after that.